Good news

Sep 2019
Why did Jesus Christ came on earth ?

Why did Jesus Christ came to earth ? Around AD 90, the apostle John, who was already old, wrote his own account of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. The Gospel according to John was written twenty to thirty years after the other three Gospels, and the story begins in a very different way. The Gospel according to Mark begins with the ministry of Jesus; those of Matthew and Luke with the events surrounding His birth. John’s starts with a different approach. John begins by quoting these well-known words from the......

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Oct 2018
How to Receive God's Blessings in Our Christian Life ?

Many times we want the best of God and also of the world, love, money and health, but, we have not asked ourselves how are we living? So we want to receive all the good things but we do not realize if we are doing it right or not, we need to meditate on this, and start looking for ways to receive the blessing of God, both spiritual and material. So, we need to ask ourselves, How to Receive God’s Blessings in Our Christian Life? Most of the time we forget how......

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Sep 2018
What kind of person God uses?

Think about the time you were asked to take care of a certain task in the church, but you felt that you did not have enough education, experience or ability to accept it. We all tend to feel that way from time to time, and we even make asks to God why we are not the right person. Let us know, What kind of person God uses? Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were......

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